MR Shopping Experiences vs In-store Shopping Experiences

August 29, 2021

MR Shopping Experiences vs In-store Shopping Experiences

Shopping has always been an exciting activity for people, whether it be buying groceries or the latest fashion trends. With the growing advancements in technology, a new way of shopping has emerged that allows people to experience shopping in a whole new way - Mixed Reality (MR) shopping. In this blog post, we will compare MR shopping experiences to in-store shopping experiences and discuss the pros and cons of each.

MR Shopping Experiences

Mixed Reality shopping allows customers to experience a unique and immersive shopping experience. It provides users with an opportunity to try on clothes, see products in 3D, and even interact with virtual sales assistants. The potential benefits of MR shopping experiences include:

  • Increased convenience: MR shopping allows customers to shop from anywhere and at any time. This provides customers with greater flexibility and enables them to shop based on their convenience.
  • Personalized experiences: MR shopping experiences can be customized according to customer preferences. This can include personalized recommendations and offers based on previous purchases and browsing history.
  • Time-saving: MR shopping saves customers time as they can quickly navigate through different products without physically moving around a store.

In-store Shopping Experiences

In-store shopping has been the traditional way of purchasing goods for many years. People love the experience of physically browsing through products, trying them before buying them, and interacting with sales assistants. Here are some benefits of in-store shopping experiences:

  • Tangible experiences: In-store shopping provides customers with a tangible experience when browsing and purchasing goods. This includes the ability to touch and feel products before buying them.
  • Personal relationships: In-store shopping allows customers to develop personal relationships with sales assistants. This is particularly important when it comes to making significant purchases, such as consumer electronics or furniture.
  • Immediate access: In-store shopping provides customers with immediate access to their purchases, which is particularly important when it comes to urgent needs.

Comparison of MR vs In-store Shopping Experiences

MR Shopping Experience In-store Shopping Experience
Convenience :heavy_check_mark: :x:
Personalization :heavy_check_mark: :x:
Tangible experience :x: :heavy_check_mark:
Personal relationships :x: :heavy_check_mark:
Immediate access :x: :heavy_check_mark:
Efficiency :heavy_check_mark: :x:

When it comes to convenience, MR shopping has a clear advantage. Customers can shop from anywhere and at any time. It also provides greater personalization, as customers can receive personalized recommendations and offers based on their purchasing history. However, in-store shopping offers a tangible, personal experience that many customers prefer. The ability to touch and feel products before buying them, and the ability to develop personal relationships with sales assistants are significant advantages. Additionally, in-store shopping provides immediate access to purchases, which is an advantage in urgent situations.


Both MR shopping experiences and in-store shopping experiences have their pros and cons. While MR shopping experiences offer a high level of customization and convenience, in-store shopping experiences provide a personal, tangible experience that many customers prefer. Depending on the customers' preferences and the type of purchase they are making, either shopping experience has its advantages.


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